Industry partners

Industry Partners are critical to the wheat producers and OK Wheat Commission in achieving a cohesive wheat industry in Oklahoma, across the U.S. and foreign countries.
Oklahoma Stateuniversity

The Oklahoma State Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is the longstanding partner of OWC. The OSU Wheat Improvement Team, led by Dr. Brett Carver, is a top leader in wheat genetics research. OWC partners with OSU to focus research efforts on specific priorities benefitting all stages of wheat production: the producer, the miller and the consumer.

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Plains GrainsInc.

Plains Grains Inc. is a private, non-profit wheat marketing organization dedicated to providing the link between producers of Hard Red Winter wheat, grain companies nd foreign and domestic flour millers to benefit all segments of the wheat industry. With quality and production data generated from composite wheat sample testing across Oklahoma and the United States, data is generated and shared by PGI to foreign and domestic buyers. By having this partnership, OWC is better able to advocate for Oklahoma wheat producers and their product in both foreign and domestic markets.

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Wheat Foodscouncil

The Wheat Foods Council works to increase awareness of dietary grains as an essential component of a healthy diet. Through this partnership, OWC is able to use sound educational and promotional nutrition programs in workshops, demonstrations and recipes.

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Home Bakingassociation

The mission of the Home Baking Association is to share tools, knowledge and curriculum about baking with educators, bakers, parents, community service volunteers and anyone else interested in baking. Through this partnership, OWC is able to expand educational demonstrations by using the Home Baking Association network of information and resources.

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Oklahoma Geneticsinc.

Oklahoma Genetics Inc. is a nonprofit group of seed enterprises working to promote stewardship and market the use of improved genetic, traits and benefits of quality pedigreed wheat seed. They also work to promote educational programs and scientific research. OWC works alongside OGI to promote the value of the wheat variety development that is made available to producers with the public wheat research program at OSU.

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U.S. Wheatassociates

The U.S. Wheat Associates is the export market development organization for the U.S. wheat industry. USW promotes the reliability and value of all six U.S. wheat classes while working to expand international markets. The OWC is one of 17 member state organizations that provide the funding, with the USDA, for USW to organize data and market U.S. wheat.

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Oklahoma Department of Agriculture,food & forestry

The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, provides market development services for domestic and international promotion of Oklahoma’s largest plant-based crop industry. ODAFF also works on inspection services within state-licensed grain warehouses and works to ensure all Oklahoma agricultural producers follow safe, proper environmental and management guidelines when making fertilizer and pesticide applications. ODAFF is the entity responsible for providing recertification of Continuing Education Units for Certified Crop Applicators.

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United States Departmentof agriculture

USDA’s mission is to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development and nutrition based on sound public policy, the best available science and efficient management. OWC works in conjunction with the USDA-ARS on research initiatives such as developing cereal crop germplasm with inherent protection against insects and environmental growth stresses by using genetic techniques. OWC also uses laboratory services on milling and baking composite sample analysis provided by the USDA so resources can be created to discuss crop quality and functionality specifics at the end of each harvest season, for both domestic and foreign buyer usages.

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Oklahoma FFAassociation

The Oklahoma FFA Association is a part of the National FFA Organization, both of which focus on developing high school students through premier leadership development, the classroom, and supervised agricultural experiences. OWC is a proud sponsor of scholarships grants and proficiency awards for students interested and active in the Oklahoma wheat industry. OWC also partners with FFA students through hosting the State FFA Junior Wheat competition.

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Oklahoma 4-Hassociation

Oklahoma 4-H is dedicated to helping Oklahoma youth, families and communities reach the full potential through hands-on programming, a variety of projects and community service. OWC partners with 4-H students through hosting the Jr. Wheat Show and the Best of Wheat baking competition.

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Wheat Qualitycouncil

The goal of the Wheat Quality Council is to improve the value of all U.S. wheat classes for producers, millers and processors of wheat. WQC advocates the development of cultivars which enhance end use quality of wheats for all U.S. wheat classes. The entity provides forums for breeders, producers and industry members to discuss desired characteristics and evaluation of wheat, they also provide recognition of those making positive contributions to these wheat developments.

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Oklahoma Wheatgrowers association

OWGA is a voluntary organization comprised of wheat producers and those interested in the wheat industry. OWGA is a completely separate entity from the Oklahoma Wheat Commission. It provides services, such as regulatory and legislative involvement, that by law cannot be done by the commission. OWGA is supported financially by your membership.  They are the state lobbying entity for the Oklahoma wheat industry.

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National Associationof wheat growers

The National Association of Wheat Growers was founded more than 70 years ago by producers who wanted to work together for the common good of the industry. Today, NAWG works with its 20 affiliated state associations and many coalition partners on issues as diverse as federal farm policy, environmental regulation, the future commercialization of emerging technologies in wheat and uniting the wheat industry around common goals. NAWG is the national lobbying entity for the U.S. wheat industry.

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Oklahoma Foundationseed stocks

Since 1950, Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks has been linking plant breeders and certified seed growers. As part of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, OFSS ensures large quantities of genetically pure seeds of a wide variety of desirable varieties are made available to growers of certified seed.

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Oklahoma Cropimprovement association

Seed certification in Oklahoma is based on both genetic and mechanical standards. In 1937, the Oklahoma State Legislature passed House Bill 513 known as the Oklahoma State Seed Certification law. In 1938, an agreement was reached between OCIA and the Oklahoma A&M College (now Oklahoma State University) authorizing OCIA to conduct the certification of seeds, plants, and plant parts within the state of Oklahoma. In 1963, House Bill 881 updated the original law. The memorandum of agreement between OSU (the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources) and OCIA has been updated several times and was last modified in 1992.

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Wheat Marketingcenter

The Wheat Marketing Center is one of the technical crossroads of the international wheat industry, providing technical training and grower workshops, innovative research, product development and crop quality testing services. WMC focuses on promoting U.S. wheat by demonstrating its quality and functionality in Asian noodles, crackers and biscuits, tortillas and flatbread and other baked products. Pilot scale production lines, state-of-the-art quality testing equipment, and rich technical expertise provide great value to our state wheat commission partners, wheat industry stakeholders, and millers and food manufacturers around the world.

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